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Mae got herself a shiny new phone


You know, Mae had been scrimping and saving every baht since she started posting on here, dreaming of upgrading her less-than-stellar phone. She used to borrow her sister Poy's phone just to snap some decent pictures. Can you believe it? Poy has a decent phone because out of the blue, one of our amazing VIP users here gifted Poy the money to buy a brand new phone! Talk about generosity without even knowing her or having had any conversations with her. Just pure kindness. A kind act that will continue to go a long way as Poy is putting her phone to good use to earn money to survive here. Poy's blog posts have been on fire since she got the new phone! If you haven't checked them out recently, you definitely should. They're a whole new level of awesome and she said she plans to make them a lot better this week! Both Mae and Poy rely on the money they make from this site to get by. No other income, no part-time jobs. Just a few hearts here go a long way. It doesn't take much for them to afford a decent meal. If Mae had a better phone, she would be able to capture even more stunning pictures and videos, which means she can make even more. So, I suggested she apply for a loan. Remember our new loan program? Interest-free loans for the girls listed here on the site. And they don't have to stress about paying us back as we will deduct a portion from their Cash Outs automatically. It's convenient and stress-free. When they take out a loan, 50% of their earnings will automatically go towards paying it back. That way, they still get money in hand while making progress on the loan. Loan requests are put to a vote among the girls. Everyone listed gets an equal vote with the same power as my one vote. So decisions are not up to me, but decided by the group. Loans and other workings of the site are done this same way. I set aside a pool of 60,000 baht for these loans. It may not seem like much considering the number of girls here, but it should be enough since only a few should need loans each month. Once that pool is empty, it's gone. If the girls don't pay it back, those funds simply won't be available to help the next girl. That's why the other girls vote to decide if a loan should be granted. The voting is semi-anonymous. I've programmed their WebApps so they can see who voted, as well as the number of YES and NO votes. But they won't know who voted which way. The voting lasts for 24 hours and then automatically ends. You'll be glad to know that Mae received 100% approval on her loan request. The girls believe in her and are confident she'll benefit from the new phone. Plus, they're certain she'll repay the loan in just a few weeks through deductions from her Cash Outs. Once paid back, that money is back in the pool and available to help others in need. So, I encourage all of you to check out what Mae and Poy are posting. Mae's pictures, in particular, will blow your mind now that she's got that new phone. Both Mae and Poy have been chatting with users, seeking advice on how to improve their posts, and they'll be making some exciting improvements in their future posts. So keep coming back and lend Mae a hand in paying off that loan! She's gonna rock it!

You can see more pictures and information from this blog post on Mae's profile page / Blog tab / Blog entry for this date.

Blog Location:

Asian Girl's Name: Mae
Age: 29
Height: 168 cm | 5'6
Weight: 54 kg | 119 lbs
Beast Cup Size: C
Shoe Size: 40
Nationality: Thai
Country: Thailand
Town: Bangkok

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Mae got herself a shiny new phone
Bangkok Thailand