As you know…you must send the girl at least 1 Virtual Heart ❤️ on a blog to access Section 2 of that blog. You must send the girl a total of 5 Virtual Hearts for the pictures in a blog to access Section 3. That is all if the girl has a Section 2 or Section 3.
Counting of the hearts was done inside the sections, so if a girl posted Section 1 during the day, and you sent hearts for that blog, and she later posted Sections 2 or 3 then the hearts you sent earlier were not counted towards access.
I fixed this. If you send hearts and the girl later adds Sections 2 or 3, your total heart count on that blog will be counted correctly.
This issue didn’t happen much before as most girls add all 3 sections at one time, but a few do add pictures throughout the day—Joy for example will add more pictures throughout her day and end the day with Section 3 photos as she’s getting ready for bed and sometimes Section 3 videos once in bed which are added even later.
Most of you were not aware of this potential issue as it was rare as it would only apply to blogs from today which were still having pictures added to them. Before, when there was a counting issue, users could just contact me and I would correct it for them, but some of you wouldn’t inform me. Luckily, it didn’t happen often so I was slow to fix this. But it is fixed now.