Fans / Contributors
Limit one account per person. Multiple accounts are not allowed. Don't risk losing your membership by having multiple accounts.
Do not request personal information. The most common reason accounts are suspended or removed is because that fan requested personal contact information to communicate off this website. This includes but is not limited to Line, WhatsApp, Kik, Messenger, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, web addresses which have not been approved, web cam site addresses, etc. Many of the girls at this site do not want to feel pressured or harassed into giving out their contact information. Most will not want to be contacted outside this site.
However, we have a reasonable workaround for you. While you can not request personal contact information, you may give your personal contact information once per girl listed. But, do not entice, coerce, or harass them into contacting you outside the site. A good way to word it would be "Here is my contact information, just in case you want to contact me outside this site for any reason." We recommend you phase it exactly like this, adding nothing more about the topic to avoid making them feel coerced. Avoid common manipulative phases like "I'll make it worth your while." Do not mention the topic more than once with the same girl unless she asks you. Most of the girls listed will not want to give their personal contact information, especially if they don't know you well. If she wants to contact you outside this site, she'll ask you for your contact information or she'll provide her's without you having to ask.
Do not share private pictures / video. Do not share any pictures or videos which are posted in the Private or Paid Area of the Blogs or sent privately to you in the Chat.
Topped-up funds are not refundable. Should you decide to top-up your account to be able to contribute towards helping or showing support for those listed, any funds you top-up are not refundable. Once funds are topped-up into your account, the funds can be used to send Virtual Hearts or transferred to any friend listed, but can not be refunded. Only top-up what you are comfortable as funds are not refundable.
Be respectful. Treat the girls listed here and the staff of this website as you would want to be treated (with respect).
Friends / Girls
Do not post old Photos/Videos:
Profile picture: This picture should be fairly recent (taken within the last year).
Blog pictures: Your blog content should be very recent--ideally taken today*. The pictures in each gallery should all also have been taken the same day (do not mix pictures from other days on the same date).
* The exception to both those items might be if you want to show a flashback to past events and you very clearly mention in the description that the content is older.
Do not repost pictures: Do not repost pictures you've already posted before.
Do not post pictures of someone else and pretend they are of you. The pictures you post must be of yourself. It is ok if you have friends in the picture with you as long as they've given their permission for you to post them, but not ok if you are pretending someone else is you.
No Photoshopped pictures allowed. Do not PhotoShop, alter, or enhance pictures in any way. Do not use Beauty apps. Fans of this site want to know what you really look like.
Do not post explicit pornography:
Profile pictures: There is to be no nudity or pornography of any kind in your profile picture. Your profile picture should be classy.
Blog / Public (1st blog picture) picture: There is to be no nudity or pornography in your Public picture. This picture will be index by search engines so make sure it's something you want the public to see.
Blog / Private (2nd+ blog pictures) pictures: There is to be no nudity or pornography in your blog Private pictures.
Blog / Paid (Pay to View) pictures: This area must be different in some way than the other pictures in the Private area. They can be more seductive and can contain bra & panty, implied nudity, very mild or artistic nudity, but there can be no explicit nudity or explicit pornography posted.
Chat: The Chat feature is encrypted and private between just you and the fan, so there are no restrictions placed upon the Chat feature. You can send anything you are comfortable sending.
Do not post pictures of children. Do not upload photos with children or of anyone under the age of 18. Even if you are a proud parent, photos of children should not be shared here.
Be respectful. Being listed at this site is a privilege not a right. Treat the other girls, fans, and staff of this website with the utmost amount of respect.
Violating these terms: If any of these violations are reported by the fans using the reporting tool , your profile will be immediately and automatically suspended temporarily. We will then manually review your account.
Account Suspension: Suspended accounts are immediately removed from the main page of the site, and your Cash Out button will be temporarily disabled until we have had time to manually review your account. Funds made on content which violate any of these terms will be returned to the fans who sent the money.
Account Termination: If your account has been suspended, and we determine that you have grossly violated the terms above, we will terminate your account. Funds not yet cashed out for items which violate the terms will have been returned to the fans during the suspension investigation. Any additional money remaining will be transferred immediately to your bank account the same as if you hit the Cash Out button. We permanently close your account after funds have been sent to you.