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Update to the Chat Photo Attachment Script

PNG files can now be sent in the Chat. Before, I didn’t think there would be much a need for PNGs as JPGs are most popular. But I just updated the code to allow for PNGs.

While I was working on the code, I made some improvements to the warning messages and I also adjusted the file size limit from 10 MB to 3 MB. You shouldn’t be trying to send anything larger than that, and if we are looking to improve the performance of this site, this limit will help.

If you are using a phone, it’s simple, when selecting a photo your phone will allow you to select a lower file size by clicking the “Actual Size” link to show options of other sizes and then just select something smaller than 3 MB.

If you need help, just contact me.

While working on this, I also updated the scripts for automatically rotating images, the script that allows you to rotate if the previously mentioned script fails to rotate correctly, and the script the compresses the images you upload.

I must say though, that I am a bit pissed at many of you because I was having a conversation with the girls yesterday and one mentioned that one of you reported issues sending pictures. Other girls then also mentioned they too had users reporting issues. Not one user informed me! And the girls aren’t doing the programming nor will they usually tell me about problems you have. Why would you report your problems to them? They won’t understand. I’m just a button away and I an ALWAYS working on the site. I can’t fix issues if I am not made aware of them.

However, I don’t think this was much a real issue than you just not doing it correctly. You were either selecting the wrong image type or trying to send too large a file size. Yet, I improved that process so more file types are accepted and the warning message about the file size is more clear.

Problems, tell me. Don’t even waste your breath telling the girls. They won’t understand, probably won’t care, and CERTAINLY won’t tell me. YOU need to tell me! And, not the usually— It doesn’t work message. That tells me NOTHING useful. Screen captures and ideally video captures please.

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Update to the Chat Photo Attachment Script