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Mae will be in Bangkok this week

Mae will be in Bangkok this week

Happy September! 🍂 New month, new opportunities, and we have something special to kickstart your connections.

Are you in Bangkok or planning to be there in the next 5 days? Well, you're in luck! Our radiant and ever-so-adventurous Mae will be exploring the City of Angels and is open to making new connections.

This is a fantastic chance to not only meet someone incredible but to do it in one of the world's most exciting cities. Take your conversations from online to offline, and perhaps, walk beside the Chao Phraya River or explore the vibrant streets of Bangkok with Mae.

If you're interested, reach out to Mae via the site Chat feature.

Wishing you all an inspiring and love-filled September!

You can see more pictures and information from this blog post on Mae's personal site / Blog tab / Blog entry for this date.

Blog Location:

Asian Girl's Name: Mae
Age: 28
Height: 168 cm | 5'6
Weight: 54 kg | 119 lbs
Beast Cup Size: C
Shoe Size: 40
Nationality: Thai
Country: Thailand
Town: Bangkok

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Mae will be in Bangkok this week
Bangkok Thailand